John and I were married October 25, 2008 and we now live in South Jordan, Utah. John is from Colorado and I am from Maine. I'm currently working as a speech-language pathologist in a developmental preschool and John is a software engineer for the LDS church.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I couldn't leave out MAINE!
Laura's on the tennis team!
Laura and I went for a canoe ride at Nana's house.. It was so pretty Italian sandwiches!!! MMmm MMmm! Amato's! We were trying to find outfits for Tony's wedding.. This picture makes me laugh.
What would a trip to Maine be wihtout a Sea Dogs game with Nana and Bim!!! haha.. Sea Dog biscuits.. The real reason I go to the Sea Dogs games. So it got a little cold, alright!!??
Whoopie Pies! I'm pretty sure the guy at the restaraunt thought I was a crazy tourist.. ha So.. after New York and Boston, I took a trip up to Maine to visit the fam.. I love Maine!! I had a great time.. It was pretty warm too..
i hope you bought that poka-dot looks awesome on you! And makes you look bite size!
Oh how can you do this to a pregnant woman?! Italians and whoopie pies--like my favorite eva'! I am drooling all over the place now!
um...i am pretty sure that i haven't seen a whoopie pie since i moved away from PA! i hope you ate one, they look SO GOOD!
Are you back in Utah? We need to get together! We leave Monday morning, early. Let me know!
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