Thursday, May 21, 2009

first mountain bike of the year

My friend, Rachel, and I went for a bike ride last saturday. It's been so nice out and I've really wanted to go on this one trail. John was supposed to come, but was feeling under the weather. So, off we went, just the two of us.. It was so beautiful.. especially to be near the water.. but let me tell you, I am WAY out of shape! Apparently I did a little too much sitting around this past winter. ... cuz I was struggling. This means I will definitely have to do some more exercising soon.. or I won't be able to hack the mountain biking John will soon be taking me on. p.s. I swear there were harder part on the trail than this. We only stopped at the level parts to take pics... seriously!! I'm not lying!


Margaret said...

again....first things first....NO HAVING FUN WITHOUT ME!

Seth Jenson said...

I know you guys aren't interested in driving out for this but just thought I'd let you know that we'll be blessing Max on the 14th of June. Can't wait to introduce him to you guys in July!

Mary said...

awww.. yah. We won't be able to. Thanks for letting us know, though!! I'm so excited to see him and so excited for you guys!