John and I were married October 25, 2008 and we now live in South Jordan, Utah. John is from Colorado and I am from Maine. I'm currently working as a speech-language pathologist in a developmental preschool and John is a software engineer for the LDS church.
John and I were pondering how we could excercise more the other day, and this is what we came up with. Yes, we bought a playstation 2, and dance pads. All for the small price of 70 bucks! (gotta love KSL!) It's awesome. We already used it for like an hour the other night. The best part is, John looks really funny sometimes! I love this game.
John got a flat Yes, that last picture is me barely making it up puke hill WALKING. It was a LONG bike ride- but fun and beautiful at the same time. It took us a few hours to bike this. The trail goes from Big Cottonwood Canyon over to Millcreek canyon, up along the crest of the mountains. Once we got to the downhill part, Jaelan and John took off (with permission-don't worry) and so by the time I got down to the bottom, they had left to pick up the other car. I, being not very smart, started riding down the road towards Big Cottonwood, thinking eventually they would just pick me up. Well, they were not as far along as I had thought and I ended up biking a few extra miles. Needless to say, I got offered a few rides on the way down the road, probably due to the fact that I looked dead.. .. John and I died in our bed that night.. RIP us
On Labor day, we went to seven peaks water park with my brother, Mike. We debated whether to go because the weather wasnt' as hot as we had expected. It ended up being really nice out and a perfect day!! We had a blast. John and Mike both went down this crazy slide ai bunch of times. It was the last day seven peaks was open for the full day, so I'm glad we caught it before the season was over. Such a fun day and it was cool to spend time with my brother.
On Saturday night, we went and hung out with our friends, Mark and Laura. We made dutch oven dinner and dutch oven dessert! So good!! We played games until the wee hours of the night.. or til 10:30. We even got kicked out.. well, sort of.