Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Labor Day Video

John got some new video editing software and we were bored on Labor Day. Here is the embarrassing result...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bike Ride with Rachel

We went on a bikeride up Millcreek canyon last weekend with our friend, Rachel. It was really fun.. and perfect weather. It felt good to be outside, since there probably are only a few more weeks of nice weather left. It was also nice to get some good exercise and spend time with Rachel. Ahhh.. I love summer. .. and I will miss it during the long winter months.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mom's Visit to Utah

My mom and my little sister stayed in town for about a week after my brother's wedding to hang out with all of us! It was sooo fun and I miss them already. We played laser tag, went out to eat a few times, met up with a missionary that used to live in our basement a long long time ago, went bowling, and had a family dinner at our house. My mom is AWESOME... It was so fun to have her here and to spend time with her.

Mike's Wedding in St. George

My brother, Mike, got married two weekends ago in St. George. It was a beautiful wedding,and he married a beautiful gal! It was extremely HOT down there!  I don't think I could ever live in the heat down there. It was fun times. My entire family was there, including my Nana. They flew out from Maine. I'm pretty sure they weren't used to the heat, either! My brother hid his car during the reception so that we couldn't decorate it, but we found it anyway. It was really fun to decorate. We also played lots of games at the hotel in between events.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Bonfire in the Canyon

We went with some friends up one of the canyons to have a bonfire. It was really fun. This is one of my favorite things to do in the summertime. We made s'mores and chatted for a long time. It was real nice.. and I'm getting sad that pretty soon, it will be too cold to do this.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Trip to Denver 2010

We got back from Maine with enough time to unpack, do some laundry, repack, and head to Colorado! We visited John's family there. It was fun times. We went to water world (the best water park I've ever been to), visited Boulder, Air Force Academy, Garden of the Gods, and went to his brother and sister-in-law's cabin. At the cabin, the men went on a golfing trip and bike ride. John's mom and I went on a wildflower hike and explored Vail while the men were gone. Afterwards, everyone met up to go on a picnic, play some tennis, and go for a bike ride. It was really fun to hang out with John's family and enjoy Colorado.